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I visit my in-laws (this includes mother, father, sister and brother in-law) every summer with my 2 boys.  We fly there and stay from 3 - 5 weeks!  This year we stayed for 3 weeks and we were sad to see the vacation come to an end!  But while I'm there, there is always a decor project in the works.  So I thought I'd share my sister in-law, Kacie's project!  She has a very high ceiling in her entry and a barren wall that has bothered her since they built their garage addition.  It's not just a garage - it's a F.R.O.G. too!  Yes, a Family Room Over Garage...this serves as a playroom/guest room!  So back to the wall.  It's tall and has sat with only the green star on it for a bit but now it's part of a shelf grouping!  So without all of the details around our decor brainstorming and is the end result!  First, a photo of their home that sits on 4 lush acres and is so Vermont - see the stacked wood?  See the tractor?  See the bugs swarming your head?  Get a hat on.  OK...back to the decor.

Kacie already owned the corbels, the frame, the lower case L, the pot, the pulley and metal shelf bracket and after the brainstorming it was determined a shelf was needed!  So she hunted the antique stores and found this old mantle top - huge and weighs a ton!  But an AWESOME find!  Just a little something fun to share!

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